In Theory and In Practice: Engaging The Writings of Hope Eghagha (The Africana Studies Book Series) Paperback


Publisher : African Diaspora Press (February 24, 2016) Language : English Paperback : 330 pages ISBN-10 : 0692647260 ISBN-13 : 978-0692647264 Item Weight : 1.25 pounds Dimensions : 6 x 0.75 x 9 inches  

The literary works of Hope Eghagha grew in ten years (1998-2008) from one play, Death, Not a Redeemer, to nine other titles in poetry, fiction, drama and biography. This growth, when assessed in the ratio of output/time, indicates on the one hand, a degree of prolificacy, which suggests that as a writer Eghagha has mastered his craft. On the other, it indicates a need for critical discussions such as have been assembled in this compendium.

If Eghagha has shown industry and skill by meticulously growing his oeuvre in a way that reveals discernible patterns of craft or ideas – as some contributors to this volume have claimed – he will in no time become the subject of increasing critical discourse. His works would, for example, enter the literature syllabi of colleges and universities, not just in Nigeria, his country, but also in other places where serious attention is paid to literary and cultural productions in the postcolonial world.

Patrick Oloko, the editor of the collection, has been teaching courses in Nigerian literature at the University of Lagos since 1999 and has obviously seen the need for a work of reference by experts, that could aid readers, particularly students, to make sense of some writers, whether new or old. This volume serves that need by being a descriptive guide, broad in its purview, but detailed enough to address pressing issues that the writings of Eghagha bring to the fore at the moment.

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African Diaspora Press is an independent publisher of media that relate directly or broadly to the African world experience. Our goal is to provide artistic freedom and economic opportunity to writers and lecturers whose work is in the spirit of liberation.
